 Min Lot piece Items in lot 1
Weight, {{weight}} 6000 g Vendor Bitmain Availability is available
Description:ASIC Antminer S9i 14.5Th/s, 1365W (BTC).
A new miner from Bitmain with a hashrate of 14.5Th/s and a power consumption of 1365W.
Features and Specifications:
Hashrate is 14.5 ± 5%.
The coin is BTC.
The energy consumption level is 1365W ± 10% (with an efficiency of 93% PSU, and a temperature of 25 ° C).
Coolers: 2 * 12038. Operating voltage: 11.6V-13.0V.
Operating temperature: -5 ℃ ~ 30 ℃.
Energy efficiency at 25 ℃, J / TH - 94.14 ± 10%.
Network connection: Ethernet.
Noise level: 76dB.
Weight -5,5 kg.
Package Including:
1 * ASIC Antminer S9i 14.5Th/s, 1365W.
Attention! The price for this equipment is exhibited individually, depending on availability in the warehouse or pre-order. Delivery to your country is also calculated individually, depending on the delivery service and the form of delivery (air, car, express, etc.). Please write to the address indicated at the bottom of the text.
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