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Weight, {{weight}} 3000 g Vendor Goldshell Availability is available
Description:Goldshell KA BOX, 1,18Th/s, 400W, KAS miner.
Goldshell KA BOX, 1.18Th/s, 400W, KAS miner.
Compact, small size, non-stop operation.
Lightweight and quiet, ideal for home use.
Remote control via app.
Features and Specifications:
Hashrate: 1.18Th/s.
Power consumption: 400W.
Energy efficiency: 339J/Th.
Algorithm: KheavyHash.
Coin: Kaspa (KAS).
Fans, coolers: 4500RPM.
Noise: 55dB.
Dimensions: 300 x 225 x 149 mm.
Weight: 2.6 kg.
Connection, port: Dual-Mode.
Temperature: 0-35C.
Voltage: 100V-240V, 16A.
Package Including:
1 x Goldshell KA BOX, 1,18Th/s, 400W, KAS. The power supply is not included and must be purchased separately.
Attention! The price for this equipment is exhibited individually, depending on availability in the warehouse or pre-order. Delivery to your country is also calculated individually, depending on the delivery service and the form of delivery (air, car, express, etc.). Please write to the address indicated at the bottom of the text.
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